Google Glass A Reality

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Dreamed of a goggles with iron man interface? Its a right kind of Gadget for you.
Google has previewed its latest gadget.The search giant is going to hit the top of the tech companies in the world.

It also organised an open trial program called "Creative Individuals" Take a look at the below lines by Google-

"We’re looking for bold, creative individuals who want to join us and be a part of shaping the future of Glass,” Google said ”We’re still in the early stages and, while we can’t promise everything will be perfect, we can promise it will be exciting.”

Its just amazing!When an user says "Ok,Glass" it starts capturing your voice alerts,There are special commands for each function and this isn't any science fiction.

It can share photos and videos,open a navigation system,track your location,etc. Its great for an adventurer who can actually use his hands at a time of action!

According to the Google's latest news it shall be available in following colours -charcoal, tangerine, shale, cotton and sky.

Google is also asking the volunteers to write a simple story with a hash tag #ifihadglass and post it in Google + or in Twitter.Once selected,The customer has $1500 + tax for the privilege given.

You can take a look at the video by Google below-